Corruptor Jizo Statues

  • 1名無しさん
    2021/03/14(日) 19:53:26 ID:i.9VFbOki
    I live in the Touhouku region, next to Aoaikibagahara prefecture. Deep in the mountains, there is a small village where I live in, with my parents and grandparents. Someone of my age moved in there with his mother. I’ll call him M-Kun. M-Kun was my age and he was a nice person. His grandparents were always kind to me and when he moved to school, he tried to make friends with me. Now that I think of it, why did I bully M-Kun? He didn’t mistreat me and yet, I did awful things to him. He must have hated me for what I had done to him in the past. I don’t have much longer to live. I will write down my final words and tell my side of the story before they get me.

    I scribbled on his desk, punched him when no one was looking and even kicked him. I laughed at him for being so meek while he cried there. That was over 30 years ago. My sins will never be forgotten. I witnessed him praying to the headless jizo statues and quickly informed an elder. The elder slapped M-Kun and dragged him away to their grandparents house. The family was quickly ostracized and soon M-Kun moved away to Tokyo with his Mother.

    The following day where they left, my Mother suddenly had a heart Attack. She died instantly at work. My Father did not return home for a few days. I walked over to the nearest police box to notify the authorities. A search team was sent out and a few weeks later, they found his head inside a pipe. His body was never recovered. My older Sister bled to death after multiple stab wounds were found on her neck.

    I know I am next.
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