3 年前 I'm not sure what the other guy is smoking, but these are the correct song titles:
1 Why Don't You Do Me Right 2 Big Leg Emma 2:40 3 Lonely Little Girl 5:07 4 Dog Breath 6:08 5 My Guitar 8:54 6 Tears Began To Fall 11:52 7 Junier Mintz Boogie 14:35 8 Uncle Meat (One Note At A Time) 17:35 9 Son Of Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Sexually Aroused Gas Mask 22:14 10 In The Sky 28:24 11 The Big Medley 30:34
αさん お疲れーす(´▽`)ノ
どーもコメントもみんな迷走しとるよーでハッキリしてない感が満載やけども セトリ付けてる人居たんでαさんに見せるんが一番速いて思って 貼るだす
3 年前
I'm not sure what the other guy is smoking, but these are the correct song titles:
1 Why Don't You Do Me Right
2 Big Leg Emma 2:40
3 Lonely Little Girl 5:07
4 Dog Breath 6:08
5 My Guitar 8:54
6 Tears Began To Fall 11:52
7 Junier Mintz Boogie 14:35
8 Uncle Meat (One Note At A Time) 17:35
9 Son Of Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Sexually Aroused Gas Mask 22:14
10 In The Sky 28:24
11 The Big Medley 30:34
Royal Festival Hall - London 1968
…て事らしーんやが…┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌ こんなセトリのLIVEあるかの~? 確かにHalloweenはイパーイあり過ぎて 今のトコ無視してんやけどね
一応サムネ貼っときますわ コレも作ったんやとしたら 随分手が込んだ事してまんな~
でも紛う事無きファンの仕業( ̄∀ ̄)v ライブ…ヤンナー モッカイキイテミヨー