KC4ayZiragお世話になります。きれいに作成していただきありがとうございます。お忙しいのですね。うれしい限りです。ギブアップとみたいなのですが、最後のお願いがあります。2人とももう一層のことお時間があられましたらスカートを全部脱がしていただけると幸いです。パンティーははかせておいていただけると幸いです。ギブアップの前にどうか最後のお願いです。なにそつご無礼かもしれませんがよろしくお願いいたします。 KC4ayZirag Thank you for your assistance. Thank you for creating it nicely. You are busy. I'm glad. I would like to give up, but there is a final request. It is fortunate if you can take off all the skirts if you both have more time. I hope that you can wear panties. Last but not least before giving up. It may be rude, but thank you.
KC4ayZirag Thank you for your assistance. Thank you for creating it nicely. You are busy. I'm glad. I would like to give up, but there is a final request. It is fortunate if you can take off all the skirts if you both have more time. I hope that you can wear panties. Last but not least before giving up. It may be rude, but thank you.